Sayonara Zara

Cuando Meghan Markle aún no era una estrella televisiva con una abultada cuenta bancaria ni conocía siquiera al Príncipe Harry, era una mujer como tú y como yo que compraba en Zara.

Según ha trascendido recientemente, cuando Meghan ya podía permitirse comprarse prendas de tres o cuatro cifras organizó una fiesta mercadillo en su casa con el nombre oficial para regalar la ropa de menor precio que tenía en su armario a sus invitados.

“Según una fuente de Hollywood, cuando la estrella estaba alcanzando el estrellato, dio una fiesta en su casa, conocida de manera no oficial como ‘Sayonara, Zara’, y se deshizo de las prendas baratas que tenía en su vestidor y se las dio a los invitados”, escribió Vanessa Grigoriadis en la edición estadounidense de Vanity Fair.

Hoy en día la Duquesa de Sussex luce los mejores estilos de Ralph Lauren, Stella McCartney, Burberry y Givenchy, pero, al igual que a su cuñada la Duquesa de Cambridge, a veces la podemos ver con prendas de moda democrática, como esta camisa de & Other Stories llevó hace unos meses.

Recordemos cómo Mehgan lucía moda democrática…

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#meghanmarkle who is a new member to the royal family and a massive advocate for feminism has gone through a drastic change within fashion in which her evolution clearly shows a new found appreciation for fashion which I in return appreciate. In the first picture Meghan is wearing flared washed out mum jeans, with a black top and jacket paired with a pearl necklace. For me this has to be one of Meghan’s worst outfits and I’m glad she has moved on from this stage in her fashion journey. The duchess of Sussex’s style started to evolve during 2013 but clearly had an improvement during 2016 in which she wore a blazer and short co ord that was a delicate take on street style and even went on to wear a stunning self portrait midi dress which I adore. In 2018 it was most obvious that she had a stylist that knew what they were doing since there was more high end clothes and better tailoring. In my mind I really do like her new style but I would love to see her in less well known brands because she would be able to assist upcoming brands to develop in such a fast paced industry.

Una publicación compartida de Katy (@friday13fashion) el

Imágenes: Cordon Press, Instagram

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